Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Obama Birthers

I don't really see why everyone is making such a big stink over Obama's lack of birth records. It's a little obvious we're being denied. First off, it is our constitutional right to know just who the hell our president is, second off, if no one is willing to show it to us it means that there is indeed a lack of evidence. This entire thing just stinks of a cover up. Especially with an article I read this morning about Hawaii wanting to create a law to ignore the 'Birthers', or those who want to see proof that Barack Obama is a legal citizen of the United States. That right there is just proving that they don't want to show it because they don't have it. Denial is the first step in covering up not having something.

In truth, I don't feel bad for them. They need to own up to the fact that our president isn't as kosher as he made himself out to be. I don't mean to sound the war alarms, but for how many years have the Islamic Extremists said they will rule the White House? With the way things are going under this administration, America the Beautiful, baby you're done for. Which is worse, owning up to the fact they don't have a piece of paper or letting and almost making everyone believe that the guy who calls himself our president right now might be a terrorist in disguise?

And for all you liberal pussies out there, word of advice, not everyone rages on the guy because he's black. This republican rages on him because he by no means has the rights or reason to be president. He has minimal experience, his background is shady, terrifyingly enlightening at best, and there is no proof that is being divulged to the American people that he is indeed an American citizen. As soon as someone proves to me that this guy isn't a terrorist despite his history with ACORN, I'll be a little more OK with him screwing up the democracy America had. Right now, we're just China's bitch.

And on another note, all you liberal assfucks who hate Bush, especially you who don't exercise your right to vote. You're only mad because he made an AMERICAN response to 9/11! Had he just sat back and let the lives of over 1200 people in the attack go out for nothing, I'm sure you damn sadists would've been just fucking fine. "Oh hundreds of lives were lost but at least we didn't go to war. It's great to know America is happy being the bitch of the Middle East." I'm not okay with that, I'm far from okay with that!

What happened to America the Proud? Huh? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT? We're killing ourselves with this political correctness bullshit. Believe me, I'm not the only one seeing it!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Breeding stupid

Is it just me, or do stupid people generally have stupid kids? Even worse is when ugly parents have kids and they try to push their ugly as fuck kid off on you with how 'adorable' the kid is? Wake up people, you kids are uglier than a baboon butt. Now don't say 'when he grows up' or something like that, that's different. The kid has grown up, no longer an ugly as fuck baby. That still doesn't save him though if he's a scrawny twerp with acne all over his face. What is so hard about telling your kid to wash his face once in a while anyway? You going to let him get all scarred up and uglier? It doesn't really help when his face becomes one. Giant. ZIT. It's disgusting!

Yeah, I can relate to having acne, I still get acne, But I never let it become a giant infection factor. It's just more than ew after that point. Acne is a type of staff infection, it can kill if it gets out of hand. It just really starts to bug me when I go out places and someone I have to talk to has a giant white head on the end of their nose. If they were to get slugged in the face, the person doing the punching might have zit pus all over their hand and said person with the acne might not even take any damage! It's funny to the point it's sad. In other words, take care of yourselves you dumbasses!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day One

Okay, first blogging I've done in a really long time. I think I should go ahead and explain what this entire thing is for. You see, I am an avid fan of Foamy the Squirrel and he gave me the idea to start this with my rants. You see, some people just piss the great Ravage (That's me) off and I usually can't give them a piece of my mind without some pussy whining and complaining about what I've said. Usually calling me mean, insensitive; whatever, the list goes on for probably miles. I'd like to point out that I don't give a rat's ass about that. I'll swear to my heart's content and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. Freedom of speech fuckers! So let me start with my first Rant.

People who think their lives suck ass.

Okay, Foamy said it and I'll say it again. Grow up! Get the fuck over yourselves! The world doesn't care and I sure as hell don't care about you getting locked out of your house or your "Drug Problems" or some other prosecution shit because it happens to everyone. I for one deal with it on the daily with being an absolutely terrifying sociopath; And by the way, I enjoy it very much. I don't care who lives where but everyone has total suck-ness in their lives. Especially for you soft hearted losers out there who think your lives suck because your parents don't give you everything you want. Go fuck yourselves with something hard and deadly! It's about time someone gave you a piece of their mind and beat you with a yaoi paddle. If you assfucks can't get over yourselves no one is going to care and no one is going to care about your existence for a very long time.

Gaaah, and for you underage pot heads and Boozers out there, this goes double for you! You're not old enough to have problems. If something doesn't work out perfectly make the fucking best of it! You'll immediately see a change in your life! It'll be miraculous! Who knows, you might actually get laid. For future reference, Don't you little fuckers ever say "Oh you don't understand" to anyone. You don't know anyone over the fucking internet enough to say that. For all you know, they could be hundreds of times worse off than you, but they're actually good at making the best of it. They could understand more and know more than you could ever dream. If they're being sympathetic, take the time out of your busy internet surfing to actually talk to them. They probably have some decent advice that you should listen to.

Helping people get a life since 2001.

The Great Ravage