Monday, March 15, 2010

Breeding stupid

Is it just me, or do stupid people generally have stupid kids? Even worse is when ugly parents have kids and they try to push their ugly as fuck kid off on you with how 'adorable' the kid is? Wake up people, you kids are uglier than a baboon butt. Now don't say 'when he grows up' or something like that, that's different. The kid has grown up, no longer an ugly as fuck baby. That still doesn't save him though if he's a scrawny twerp with acne all over his face. What is so hard about telling your kid to wash his face once in a while anyway? You going to let him get all scarred up and uglier? It doesn't really help when his face becomes one. Giant. ZIT. It's disgusting!

Yeah, I can relate to having acne, I still get acne, But I never let it become a giant infection factor. It's just more than ew after that point. Acne is a type of staff infection, it can kill if it gets out of hand. It just really starts to bug me when I go out places and someone I have to talk to has a giant white head on the end of their nose. If they were to get slugged in the face, the person doing the punching might have zit pus all over their hand and said person with the acne might not even take any damage! It's funny to the point it's sad. In other words, take care of yourselves you dumbasses!

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